
Hello and welcome to Thread 'n Fur, my funny world of yarn and furry companions. I am a 40-something woman who enjoys the quieter side of life. I live in a rural farming community, and was raised on a wheat and cattle farm. I enjoy time at home with my two furry companions even though they seem to think they are the center of everything - including the crochet basket, dinner with family, Bible study and work.

I pick up a hook and yarn whenever I can, and sometimes can't put it down to get some shuteye. I learned to crochet at a very early age - how young, I can't remember. I've picked it up off and on through the years. Recently, it has become my constant companion and sometimes biggest nemesis.

I am an avid reader and tend to be a bit of a techie. I've discovered the world of Geocaching - a great combination of technology, being outside and tends to satisfy the little urge of playing hide and seek. I also enjoy a good movie. My definition of a good movie isn't dependent on the genre, but rather the quality of acting and the level of storytelling. If the movie leaves me wanting more, it's a keeper.

I hope you enjoy visiting this blog, which is the result of my recent re-addiction to crochet. I've discovered so many blogs and truly been inspired by them that I decided to share my experiences with all of you. I always enjoy hearing from you and am happy about any comment you may have.

See you soon, and remember Thread 'n Fur are Mother Nature's way of decorating your clothes!
