Friday, February 6, 2015

2015 Goal: Tackling the WIPs

After creating my 2014 Year In Review, I realized just how many WIPs I had and it was a bit disturbing. The most disturbing part was the photos I posted detailed only about half of the works in progress I have stashed about my house.

The month of January was a whirlwind of cleaning, both at work and at home. Part of this process was organizing the Yarn Stash. Now all the yarn is first sorted by weight. The #4 yarn is sorted by color. The crochet cotton is sorted by color as well. And it's all in one room, all together, with the crochet books!

During this process, I discovered all the other WIPs hiding amongst the Yarn Stash - yarn purchased for a project and sitting snuggly in its bin, waiting for some loving attention. Or the other projects in totes with yarn purchased and pattern ready to go.

The corner-to-corner afghan is the first completion in my 2015 Goal: Tackling the WIPs. This afghan is destined for the Blankets for Barracks Soldiers project. This was a great project, used up a lot of yarn (stash buster!) and it's something I felt connected to. Every time I sat down to work on a few rows, I thought about the soldier - man or woman - and hoped it would bring some cheer into his/her day, knowing that someone spent quite a few hours thinking about them and thanking them for their service.

This new year has been a bit strange on the outside of the house as well...
We had hardly any winter in December - in fact temperatures reached almost 60 degrees at one point. January and the beginning of February have been a mixture of rain, fog, rain, fog, a peeking of sunshine and yes, even snow.

On one of the mornings, I woke to snow - or a dusting of snow. I haven't missed it much... don't care for shoveling. Wasn't thrilled with the arrival until I stepped out my back door and saw this...
I made the dogs hold still long enough to grab photos of these wonderful tracks. They brought a smile to my face as I imagined all these birds scurrying around my yard, unknowingly leaving their mark for me to find. I didn't want to walk anywhere and disturb these little bits of birdy fun!

So here's to tackling the WIPs this year and taking time to enjoy the beauty of nature!

Happy on the Hook!

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